Saturday, December 10, 2016

progress multiplayer game

Launcher in progress of developing.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Hello Here is last news of progress. Got first version client 3D. Screen shots will be published soon.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Here is rools of the game that i made. (Server is running. The client will be made soon.)

Rools of the game The main target of the game is to get 1000 points. At the beginning of the game both players need to throw one bone. The player, who has got high points of the bone will throw bones first. A player needs to get 70 points to record results. There are 5 bones. use next command to roll bones: throw c1 c2 c3 c4 c5. 10 points 5 points Other bones are not counted (except the case when a player has got 3 or more the same bones (explained below)). If a player threw 5 bones and got the player can take bones with 10 points and throw 4 bones again or can take bones with 15 points and throw 3 bones again. In order to get 15 points, it is neccecary use the command: take c1 c2 If a player threw bones and did not get something, he/she must pass the step to an opponent using the command: ok. Also, this command saves results. Situation called "trousers" It is the situation, when a player rolls bones and his/her last two bones got similar value of points In this case the player can throw them again (these two bones). If these 2 bones have two similar value of 1 or two similar value of 5, then the player can take all 5 bones (take c1 c2) and throw them again. The situation, when a player has 3 or more bones with the same value of points three bones with 2 points = 20 four bones with 2 points = 40 five bones with 2 points = 80 three bones with 3 points = 30 five bones with 3 points = 120 every next bone is multiplied by 2 100 points 400 points are the maximum value in the game 100 points 200 points If a player has got 555 points, his/her score will go down to zero. If your opponent has got the same amount of score as you, then your score will go down to zero (this is a chance for a player to kick an opponent) except the situation called "tank"). A player does not need to take all bones that he/she has got. For example, the player can use tk3 c1 c2 c3 and take 100 or use take c1 c2 c3 and take 30 points The situation called "tank": it is the situation, when a player got 930 or more score. In this case the score will stop on 930 (This situation is called "tank". It means that a player is sitting down on a tank). Another player can not kick him/her down to zero points, but the player, who is "on the tank" must get 70 points minimum to finish the game. The player has three rounds to finish the game. After the third round the player's score will go down and he/she must get 70 points in order to start the game and record points and save them. Useful informaion: During the game players have 30 seconds to make an action. © Alexander Shvab 2016 full text with pictures is here

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Hello Finally, I published my game